The Royal Wedding and Psalm 145
I was listening to the radio yesterday and the question they asked was, "Why would you want to watch the royal wedding?" A few callers called in with a few reasons with one of those being... ...It is kind of like a girls super bowl. The second thought someone had phone in was that if we compared it to King David and Bible times we could understand the royalty of that time in scripture. One of the callers suggested that we read Psalm 145 in comparison of this royal day. I have to admit I really had no intention of watching the event at all. My husband and I figured we would just stay in bed a little longer because the news and weather wouldn't be one anyways. But our internal alarm clocks went off and we found ourselves watching the event and the cars and the guests coming and being announced as they approached the church. The cheering was so loud and as Kate approached I found myself a little exci...