The little things
Just read a post from a new friend from Circle of Friends Ministry. It was about thinning out. If I knew how to put a link on this blog I would, but I don't. It reminded me one more time of to do things WELL! It was a great story!! Since Monday morning, (which is only two days ago) I have had Matthew 25:40 on my heart. It found me through a book called Capture His Heart. The verse says, "I tell you the truth what you do for the least of these you do for me." It isn't in the big things that I try to do, or that my heart desires to do. It is what I do for those God has ALREADY placed in my life that matter. The things that seem little are so BIG! I think of a Mom of twin 1 year olds and a 3 year old too. I clean for them and I get to watch what she does for the least of these and it makes my heart glad when I leave that home. Her tasks are little...