
Showing posts from November, 2012

Who is God and who am I?

Day after day the same question knocks on my hearts door, "Who is God and who am I?" Sometimes I wonder if the "lack" of wondering about this question causes me to be lulled to sleep in my Christian walk. I wonder as I roll over early in the morning and took my first breath if I realized who gave me that breath. I wonder if I would worship God as my creator. I wonder as I slip my feet out of my warm bed and get up to make the coffee, take a shower, brush my teeth or go to the bathroom if I realized who provides the strength to move my body out of that warm bed. I wonder if I would worship God as my strength. I wonder if as I want to crawl back into that warm bed I just got out of if I realized who provided the warm bed.  I wonder if I would worship God as my provider. I wonder as I start my day at work, home or school if I realized who enabled me to "start" my day.  I wonder if I would worship God as my enabler. I wonder as I sit ...

Fear - Genesis 15:1

What do you fear? How many times does fear come up in the Bible? What things should you fear? I heard an interesting story that really hit home this week.  Someone I know is taking a huge step out to a new adventure.  It is a business venture, but as he described how he came to a decision, I couldn't help but think of Abraham leaving behind what he knew to go a land that God would show him. The thing that struck me most was that his step of faith really was a step of faith.  He didn't attach ANYTHING to it.  His words were, "I could fail and God may have something else to teach me, but all I know is they can't take my wife or my son, and that really is all that is important to me."  Genesis 15:1  Fear not Abram I am your very great reward! By Faith.... not by fear did anyone go out!!