
Showing posts from March, 2020


It is 5 minute Friday and the word today is table. The first thing that comes mind for me is scared and fearful.  Really, you say!  Why in the world would some one think scary and fearful when the word table comes up? It seems lately everything I hear I connect to years back when body image ruled my world.  Table to me means food, and people as well, because when there is a table, there is both food and people around it and on it.  Have you ever struggled with body image?  What comes to mind when you think table? I know the Lord is redeeming the table and food and people thoughts every year that I grow in grace and His wisdom..... because.....  I now think of another table as I ponder this word. The table of the Lord where the Lords supper is served to His people in remembering that the Lord Jesus is coming again. We will eat at the table of the Lord with him in heaven again!  This table isn't scary or fearful to me, it is welcoming and...