3 weeks
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God saw that all that He had made and said it was very good
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made, he said, "Did God really say you must not eat from any the tree in the garden?"
If you do what is right will you not be accepted. But if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door and it desires to have you but you must master it.
There they are 3 weeks of memory verses. I can honestly say I have been replaying (trying to) them in my head as I go throughout my days. I can also honestly say I don't have them to memory yet. I can also honestly say it does help to try to keep repeated them and maybe I am not getting them 100% right but I can get the meaning of them as I think of them. How about you? Has it helped having questions throughout the week to cement the meaning and get them in your heart?
This is what I come up with as I go about my daily "stuff."
Week 1 - God made all things and he said it was good!
Week 2 - Satan is crafty and sneaky. He makes things that are bad look good and makes me question the things God tells me in His word.
Week 3 - Obedience is important. Sin is constantly crouching at the door of my heart. Jesus mastered its power on the cross and gave me power to overcome it as I come to Him.
How about you? How can you memorize scripture to place in your heart so you are able recall it? Does it help to take one verse for 1 week and repeat it over and over for your quiet time? Does it help to place it on a card or several cards throughout the house? What motivates me to memorize scripture?
Next week is a short verse and I will share it on Monday and will probably go back to putting your whole week on one post :)
Enjoy the weekend!!
Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made, he said, "Did God really say you must not eat from any the tree in the garden?"
If you do what is right will you not be accepted. But if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door and it desires to have you but you must master it.
There they are 3 weeks of memory verses. I can honestly say I have been replaying (trying to) them in my head as I go throughout my days. I can also honestly say I don't have them to memory yet. I can also honestly say it does help to try to keep repeated them and maybe I am not getting them 100% right but I can get the meaning of them as I think of them. How about you? Has it helped having questions throughout the week to cement the meaning and get them in your heart?
This is what I come up with as I go about my daily "stuff."
Week 1 - God made all things and he said it was good!
Week 2 - Satan is crafty and sneaky. He makes things that are bad look good and makes me question the things God tells me in His word.
Week 3 - Obedience is important. Sin is constantly crouching at the door of my heart. Jesus mastered its power on the cross and gave me power to overcome it as I come to Him.
How about you? How can you memorize scripture to place in your heart so you are able recall it? Does it help to take one verse for 1 week and repeat it over and over for your quiet time? Does it help to place it on a card or several cards throughout the house? What motivates me to memorize scripture?
Next week is a short verse and I will share it on Monday and will probably go back to putting your whole week on one post :)
Enjoy the weekend!!
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