Psalm 84 again?

Good Morning!
This is the last week of summer for my kids and I always have a hard time thinking back over the summer and looking ahead to the school schedule. Did we do the things we wanted?  Change is not my favorite thing!  I just read somewhere this week that we are to celebrate the end of things and also to celebrate the new beginnings.  We always celebrate the end of the school year but we don't celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of school very well... I read verse 5 of Psalm 84 I thought of my own strength, I thought of a pilgrimage and I also thought about where my heart is set. I read verse 6 of Psalm 84 I thought I needed a pastor and a concordance. I am sure there is a great meaning to this verse but I have no clue other than I can relate seasons to it because they talk of spring and autumn. Maybe I can tie in spring being a beginning and autumn being the end of something? I read verse 7 I thought of the need to continue to ask for Gods strength day to day and moment by moment.  Some of us can go from thing to thing looking for strength or contentment.  God has His strength for us!  Whose strength will last?  Mine, Gods, the stuff I try to give me strength...

Where is my heart set?  I have a friend that once told me that some learn from the Bible and some learn from the battle.  As I look through the Bible stories it is evident that those hearts set on themselves traveled down a very bumpy road and were not blessed until they turned in obedience.  Where is my heart set?
Is this life a pilgrimage for me or is this IT?  This life doesn't hold a candle to what awaits those whose hope is in Christ.  On a pilgrimage I think you need to keep your eyes focused up looking to where you are going.  Am I keeping my eyes focused in on where I am going?
As change once again is at our door where will we seek strength?  Where do you seek your strength?  I prefer my strength to come in a dump truck that dumps a whole pile of it on my driveway but God delivers it in a postcard hand delivered daily.  I get to go to Him each day and ask Him for my strength for the day.  Day to day....strength to strength!

Celebrate being on a pilgrimage today!            


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