Still speechless
Good Morning on a Monday!!
I have opened my blog a few times in the last 2 weeks but nothing came to my mind that I wanted/needed to is really the same thing. I am reading the Bible and trying to memorize.. know this is something that is a challenge! I have had the same verse on my bathroom counter for months. I read it most everytime I brush my teeth and do you think I can recall it when I am not standing in front of it. I must have to brush my teeth more! Makes me thankful God put His word in print so I am able to go back to it over and over to receive encouragement and discipline and love from the one who knows our every part!
Sometimes I wonder...I wonder a lot by the way...
What it means to die to myself...or what it means to submit to Christ...
I know what it means in my head but when it comes to life day to day, choices that are put before me each step of the way...What does it mean to die to myself in the grocery store, at school, at work or in my home? Is it simply to stay in step with the spirit? Simply? Is anything simple when it comes to living in the world where we live today? Is wondering bad? Where do we go with our questions?
The world puts so many things in our faces EVERYDAY! I woke up yesterday singing, "I am persuaded that he is able to keep what I committed unto him against that day." Yes I began to think...I am not able but HE is! Who do we trust in really? Ourselves? God? What have I committed to Him? My marriage? My children? Have I committed anything to him? My mind lands on...HE IS ABLE! I am not able to "keep" anything, but HE is!
I spent some time awake last night...I was thankful to recall a few verses that I happened to tuck away...Do you have any verses tucked away to help you recall HE IS ABLE? The one verse that keeps coming to mind is Be Strong and Courageous from Joshua 1:6-9. Where does He want us to be strong today?
I have opened my blog a few times in the last 2 weeks but nothing came to my mind that I wanted/needed to is really the same thing. I am reading the Bible and trying to memorize.. know this is something that is a challenge! I have had the same verse on my bathroom counter for months. I read it most everytime I brush my teeth and do you think I can recall it when I am not standing in front of it. I must have to brush my teeth more! Makes me thankful God put His word in print so I am able to go back to it over and over to receive encouragement and discipline and love from the one who knows our every part!
Sometimes I wonder...I wonder a lot by the way...
What it means to die to myself...or what it means to submit to Christ...
I know what it means in my head but when it comes to life day to day, choices that are put before me each step of the way...What does it mean to die to myself in the grocery store, at school, at work or in my home? Is it simply to stay in step with the spirit? Simply? Is anything simple when it comes to living in the world where we live today? Is wondering bad? Where do we go with our questions?
The world puts so many things in our faces EVERYDAY! I woke up yesterday singing, "I am persuaded that he is able to keep what I committed unto him against that day." Yes I began to think...I am not able but HE is! Who do we trust in really? Ourselves? God? What have I committed to Him? My marriage? My children? Have I committed anything to him? My mind lands on...HE IS ABLE! I am not able to "keep" anything, but HE is!
I spent some time awake last night...I was thankful to recall a few verses that I happened to tuck away...Do you have any verses tucked away to help you recall HE IS ABLE? The one verse that keeps coming to mind is Be Strong and Courageous from Joshua 1:6-9. Where does He want us to be strong today?
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