Jesus What a friend for sinners

Hallelujah what a savior, Hallelujah what a friend, saving, helping, keeping, loving.  He is with me to the end! 

Let me hide myself in HIM!

Jesus lover of my soul!  What a strength in weakness!

Jesus what a help in sorrow,even when my heart is breaking he my comfort helps my soul!

Jesus what a guide and keeper!

He has granted me forgiveness!   I am his and he is mine!  AMEN!! The Gaithers sing it the best...opinion only...:)

Today I want to share this song that was placed on my lap.  I am taking a class and this is one of the songs they spoke about so I u tubed it and pulled out some of the lyrics that struck my heart.  Take a minute and listen to it yourself.....

....I think the thing that struck me most was the name Jesus.  Jesus is the answer! Jesus saves!  Jesus loves!  Jesus keeps! Jesus forgives! Then the phrase He is mine and I am His!  Powerful!

The questions I sometimes ask are do I worship Him just in church?  Do I worship Him when things are good?  Do I worship Him when no one is looking?  Does my life show that I am His and He is mine?

Can I be His when my heart runs after the things of this world?  Sure we will struggle with sin until Jesus comes again but where is my heart devoted too?

My husband and I are wrestling with one question  (one among many) What does it look like to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength?   As I type that question the song Jesus what a friend for sinners comes to mind. Could the answer be Jesus?  Where is my focus?  What does my heart desire?  Who does my soul yearn for?  Where does my mind go with my thoughts?  Where does my strength come from? 

I am thinking each of these questions can be answered with one word Jesus!  WOW!  It all comes back to Jesus!  In good times we thank him!  In hard times we run to him!  He is a friend of sinners and He is waiting for His children to turn their focus (heart) to him! We, left to ourselves can do nothing.  It really is all about Him!

Where does your heart run? 


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