
Showing posts from January, 2013

Acts 19:1-22 - Meet With Me

Meet With Me - Acts 19: 1-22 Many of you know the book Meet With Me is designed as a place to start for you and I. If you open it up and read the passage and find other things that strike your heart, start there! I say that again because almost everytime I open Meet With Me more or totally different questions come up. Gods word really does meet you right where you are! We have four questions today from page 290 Did God do extra ordinary miracles through Paul? Why did the Jews want to do awesome miracles? What happened to the Jews who used Gods power for their own glory? Do we need to reverence/respect how we handle the power/talents/gifts God gives us? Two of these questions could be Yes/No answers. If I could rewrite the book I would add How or Why behind most of the seemingly short answer questions. Spend some time today thinking about why or how God did miracles through Paul. Why was he a servant of God? How did God draw him to Himself? Who was Paul about? Is...

GOOD morning!

Good Morning! The alarm went off this morning and my were, "I need you today Lord." My bed felt good and I didn't want to get up and "do" life. My attitude already needed an adjustment and I wasn't even out of bed yet. It is now a few hours later and as I recall those early morning thoughts I wonder if I might utter those words tomorrow morning with a different attitude. Maybe one of joy? What a gift to need the Lord! Look at so many Bible people that asked for help. David, Saul, Hezekiah... Look at some that didn't ask for the Lords help. The first one that comes to mind is Judas...did he ask for help? Today I choose to ask for help many times and choose to thankful he asked me to be yoked with him. I think He asked us to follow Him and then provided the way AND asked for my hand. Has he promised His hand to you like he does in Isaiah 41:10? How about the promise of Genesis 15:1? See you tomorrow where we will travel over to page 290 of Meet ...

Philippians 3 the end?

We really are going to finish this chapter today!! Maybe! I jumped in at verse 15. "Let those of us who are mature think this way and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you." I love this one! So those who are mature really do realize they are not yet mature/perfect! We don't and won't have it all together. In reality we won't ever totally get it until...HEAVEN! So, let us hold on to what Christ has attained for us!! No room for worshipping self as you hold on to Christ! Paul continues on in verse 17 to say imitate me, keep your eyes on those who follow Jesus's example. Is Jesus's example to deny self? What does that look like? I am looking at verse 18 where it says many live as enemies to the cross, their god is their belly and their minds are set on earthly things. What does that really look like in our day to day life? How do I choose to live for things that will fade away? And my favorite word in the Bible! B...

The rest of Philippians 3

In my Bible the first phrase of verse 10 is on one page and then I have to flip the page.  The phrase is, "that I may know Him".  I caught myself thinking how often we see the best part, the most exciting part of a story, or another persons life and we want it. That is until we find out the rest of the story and what else goes with another persons life.  Have you been there? I can say with much excitement, "Yes, I want to know Him!" I think knowing Him means discovering more and more about Him and His life.  I wonder if the more I discover about Him the more I become amazed at the rest of the story.  What is the rest of the story of chapter 3? I get to know Him and the power of His resurrection!  What is the resurrection power? Once more I find myself asking, "Why don't I ask God these questions as I walk through life?  I ask Him for a lot of concerns could I ever ask questions that will reveal more of Him t...

Philippians 3

Hello January 2, Day number 2 of 2013 and day number 2 of new year resolutions! Have you made them this year? Have you ever made one? What is a new years resolution that would bring glory and honor to Christ? I have a friend that I chat with when making choices and one thing she always asks is, "What choice would bring the most glory to Christ?" Sometimes both decisions would bring honor to Him and sometimes it it very evident which choice I need to make based on that question.... New Years Resolution? Do you need to make one or not? Yesterday we talked of one verse in Philippians and today I am following the direction of our pastor by reading chapter 3. I hope you got a chance to read it yesterday and if not maybe today is the day! I think I can really identify with Paul and His previous way of life. To be honest I find it an old habit (old man) that I still get to put off and put Christ (new man)on Those verses 2-6 explain how easy it is to put confidence in m...

Happy New Year

Hello January 1! Do I look forward? Do I look back? Phillipians 3:13 says forget what was behind and press on to what lies ahead. Is that the answer? Simply forget? Forget what you may ask yourself. Our lives look so much different at so many times. For some 2012 and every year that you can remember has been one blessing after another. For others 2012 may have been the worst year and the years before that were no different. So once again we have the question of, "What or why should I forget?" My Bible cheater notes at the bottom of my study Bible say that Paul is reminding us we are still involved in the struggles of life in a fallen world and thus we still sin. The full glory of the ressurection remains in the future!! Does that help the pain of 2012 via divorce, cancer, seperation, depression of? Does that help the success of 2013 via health, new life, successful business year? Whether 2012 was amazing or hard to handle one thing remains the same as we ...