Acts 19:1-22 - Meet With Me

Meet With Me - Acts 19: 1-22

Many of you know the book Meet With Me is designed as a place to start for you and I. If you open it up and read the passage and find other things that strike your heart, start there! I say that again because almost everytime I open Meet With Me more or totally different questions come up. Gods word really does meet you right where you are!

We have four questions today from page 290

Did God do extra ordinary miracles through Paul?

Why did the Jews want to do awesome miracles?

What happened to the Jews who used Gods power for their own glory?

Do we need to reverence/respect how we handle the power/talents/gifts God gives us?

Two of these questions could be Yes/No answers. If I could rewrite the book I would add How or Why behind most of the seemingly short answer questions. Spend some time today thinking about why or how God did miracles through Paul.

Why was he a servant of God? How did God draw him to Himself?

Who was Paul about? Is there anywhere in his life that his concern was for himself?

How could he endure the suffering we see in his walk as a follower of Jesus?

What did he consider joy in his life?

So often we want answers quickly and preferably we want someone to give them to us so we don't have to "search" for them. I am king of this. I will take the easy route every time. I am by nature a quitter. I was probably that first grader that let my teacher tie my shoes and sat inside if she or no one else would tie it for me. So thankful God does the work of drawing us and calling us we just get to reach up and take His hand and seek Him!

Does God want us to search for Him? Is it easy or hard to search for Him on a daily basis?

When life gets hard and God asks to use you in HARD ways what does He promise? When life is going great and God is using you in easy ways what does God ask?

Does it still come down to He created us to enjoy Him and give Him glory? How did Paul do this in Acts 19? How will I do this today?

Today all we have is questions and today we know the answers because of His word and His story! Will we take it by faith? Will we go to it for ALL our answers because we know the one who gave it to us loves us more than anyone?


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