
What a title for todays entry! The answer to every sunday school question, along with God.

If only we knew that the answers we gave when we were 2 barely able to talk, would be the answer that gave us life abundant as we came to know and understand the gift of salvation! So thankful that God knew before time began who His children were (Ephesians 1)and would call us out for adoption as sons and daughters!! Good news!!

A few weeks ago our Pastor asked this question. Where do you picture Jesus? Where is He? Stop and think about that for a minute. Where is he in your mind?


Read Hebrews 1:1-4

He went through the possible places where He might be in your mind. He could be in a cute baby in a manger. He could be walking the road in Jerusalem. He could be on the cross. He could be in the tomb. He could be on the throne. I probably missed or added one, but as I sat and thought about where He was in my mind, I was amazed that God showed me each place that He was, each place that he walked, each thing that he did and when He was finished I got to see him in verse 3b!

"After making purification for sins HE SAT DOWN at the right hand of the Majesty on high!"

Why did He do it? Why did send Him as a baby to be dependant on His mom to feed and diaper him? Why did Jesus walk the narrow road? Why did He say yes to the cross? Why did God raise him from the tomb? Why is He sitting on the throne at the right hand of His Father?

I don't normally give answers as I blog but today I just have to say what I believe the answer to be.

Jesus sits on the throne today because of his desire to glorify the Father. God sent Jesus as a baby and raised him as our King to glorify Himself. He does all things for His purpose and for His glory!

Jesus is such an incredible gift! Why? He points us to the jealous love of God and He made it possible for us to be adopted as a son and daughter.

Are you His child? Do you hear his voice as in John 10? The sheep know His voice and they listen?

A friend shared Isaiah 30:19-22 this morning... What do you hear today? Will we follow?

In chatting in a meeting later that day it was pointed out by another person that Our pastor closed the service with the benediction saying, "He sat down and we can stand in His grace" (Romans 5:2)

We have a living hope!!


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