My first book review

Girl wash your face….My review?

So, most of my life I have put a closed hand up when controversial things get placed in my lap. Think on things that are lovely and pure was, and still is my heart beat. What are lovely things?  What are not lovely things?  I also love to please people so doing a book review on a book that is controversial in the gospel world is dangerous and not lovely in my book. And then, I was prompted to open this book to wonder what the draw is to it. Here is my first try at a book review, which is my O - pinion.

I do wonder one thing. Why was this book written?  What is the author’s purpose?

This is a self-help book.  How do I know this?  The chapter titles begin with “I”.  Anyone can read this and work on some things they struggle with. For instance, I struggle with being a quitter (no not my identity but a huge struggle,) it had some great tips and I needed to hear them. Is a self-help book better than reading Harry Potter or a Novel or other fictional pleasure?  Where is the heart is the most important question. There will always be more and more to be better at.  For me a child of God, an image bearer of Him: I ask the question, “How do I live in a place that there will always be more I can do and learn and grow in?”  How do I prepare and use the gifts I have?  Humbly pray and seek God through His word, compare every word to His Word. Be in the Word and gather with other believers around the Word. And remember  Ephesians news of being IN Christ, and Hebrews 11 by faith, and pick up my mat, get up and walk in relationship with God and others.
Here are some highlights of what I read.

Only you are responsible of how happy you are – Agreed, and I am responsible for me and can choose my attitude AND my Father created me and knows me and put me in a family to be in community with interdependently. We are made to be in relationship with God and others. Is it ever just about me?

You have control – Sure thing again AND Genesis 1 says,” In the beginning God created”….I think He is in control of it all.  Am I in communing with God asking for wisdom?

Do you believe the lie you are not good enough?  -  The first thing that comes to mind is, “No one is righteous not even one”…Romans 3:9-11 “I” and not good enough and that is the truth, But God rich in mercy….. - This is a place I often ponder.  I believe the gospel meets us here.  We have one that IS and WAS good enough to take our sinful fallen heart, and yes buy it back (redeem it) and clothes us in the white of His righteousness. HE is that good.

She speaks of anxietysomething she is always working on…. Are there tools we can use to keep or anxiety at bay?  YES, and could she speak about confessing worry about tomorrow. How Is God reminding me HE will finish what He has started like He speaks of in Philippians1:6? Does that get you excited to know Jesus intercedes on your behalf for your anxiety and His glory?

She only felt loved when she produced something – thus she became a workaholic and driver.  This one hit home because of how the enemy used it in our home.  Wounds from a childhood are so painful for sure. God produced all we need for life and godliness. The enemy comes to steal and destroy. Why are we loved? Is it because we did or do things? How do we use life’s pain and joy to grow in the love of our Savior’s life death and resurrection? When we talk producing things I want to go back and remember where it all came from.

The writing about not judging and loving our neighbor no matter what religion.  -  AND she reminds us accountability happens with in community.  What does loving our neighbor mean?  We can’t go very far until we discuss true love’s meaning, and then how we live that out amidst our community of different religions and values.    Are we judging rightly?

When it comes to your dreams, no is not an answer.   Nobody gets to tell you how big your dreams can be. -  I heard arrogance but I do not know her heart.  Where is humility found?   What are my dreams driving me too and why?

The publisher wants to add smut and she says no thanks J - Wahoo!

I was so worried about failing him; I failed myself – Ahhhh…the fragrance of Psalm 51, a broken and contrite heart I will not despise.  Who never fails? When I am weak then I am strong. So when I am empty and can’t go on or get up or even wash my face, where do I run to and cry out to?

The chapter of sex – I really liked it, I think I loved it.  AND then I began to wonder well maybe if I thought and did like Rachel then I would be better at it too…. Slippery?  Have you ever read Song of Solomon with your spouse?

How can you fail at a job you were created to do?  LOVE this!!! God never fails at calling us to what we are to be and do. Women what does God call us to do through His word?  How do we grow in it?
On page 93 she said stop comparing and give each other and ourselves some grace J - Learn from one another, ask questions if we see something in someone else.  Can they decorate well?  Ask them over to help you. Are they patient?  Ask them how grew to be more patient.   Why do we compare/compete or why do we encourage one another?

I never want them to struggle with their worth – Hmmmm if they never struggle/wrestle with who they are, will they ever look for the one that is worth everything?  This one would be one I would love a round table discussion on to learn more from one another. Is it bad to struggle with our worth?  Hmmm….

 God has perfect timing J - Love this! Always!

How do we handle chaos?   Good questions….read on to 118 – God is a God of order J

Page 118 When you assume your in total control, you don’t stop and take time to seek out a relationship with God, YOU USE ALTERNATIVE means to try to manufacture peace.  ***** “I” think she nailed it here.

Find your center – Did I ever tell you I hate yoga roots because of these phrases? We know our center!  It is God Himself.

Find your happy place – wine, book, crafts…. L  That line from Finding Nemo comes to mind. 

Do you ever think God made you to deny your true self because it might put others off?  - ….  Your true self?  There is no true knowledge of self without the knowledge of God.

Be who God calls you to be – hmmmm  - I wonder if Eve heard this in Genesis 3.  Who does call us to be?  Image bearers of Christ, and what does that look like?  Another round table discussion and our Bibles please.

She calls us to goal setting – I say yes yes and yes to this – I quit all the time – I even want to quit being a wife and a Mom when I get discouraged – Goals are good!  What is the ultimate goal?  Glory to God and enjoy Him, and yes love self as you love your neighbor.  And then that verse that speaks of God and His work in our life -  It is HE who wills and does  - Philippians 2:13

She fought with God – that never went well for Job until the Lord asked him if he set the moon and stars in place or how about Jacob – he came out with a limp that reminded him of his need for God.

Courage to be honest – yes I like that…What is my posture when I choose to be honest with God or anyone? Am I being honest to build up or tear down?

A better version of myself because I hang and love different people…..Yes and, we need to be in the word with some good accountability to keep you grounded in the truth. We need to be in the world with people different than me! The best version of me is humble submitted to Christ and His word.
The book by line is “Stop believing the lies about who you are so you can become who you were meant to be” - What lies do I believe? How do I become who I was meant to be?  How do I keep those lies captive? I believe it is in a relationship with Christ and knowing I AM so I can know who I am in him. She probably believes the same, yet where is the book pointing us too?

How much time do you have in a day?  What is something that promises it will never com e back empty?

In a world full of selfies and a desire to be independent and need no one….I need  a lot of reminding that I am part of a body, I am not independent and am made for relationship….my body is called the church….and Christ died for it as a family unit. 

That phrase I highlighted above where she speaks of alternative ways to peace: Are self-help books a means to manufacture peace in ourselves, or a way to strengthen our skills, know and enjoy God and bring him glory?

My biggest bent in my own life is to pull up my own bootstraps, or yes put your big girl panties and do this thing….Girl wash your face and get out there sounds the same to me… is it bad or good?   It doesn’t point out and show us our need for a relationship and saving and shaping by Our Father through Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. Yes it can sharpen my skills given to me by my Father AND sharpening my skills is a good thing when my head and heart remind me of my identity In Christ. 

Which leads me back to ask, “What is the author’s purpose of the book?”  Identity of self, or In Christ, it makes a difference.


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