
5 minute Friday word is unknown. The word has come up many times in the last few years.  Did it come up before?  Probably I suppose.

Why am I noticing it more?  I wonder if it could be because I am realizing more often, that most things I thought where known, and controllable, are not.

I remember the feeling of unknown as a late teen, then it sounded like this, "Will I get married?"
I remember the feeling of the unknown as a first time Mom, then it sounded like this, "How do I care for a baby?"
I remember the sicknesses of our children as a young Mom, then it sounded like this, "Will this turn into RSV or an ear infection?"

There was a period of time I don't remember the unknowns, I believe it was during the period of time when our children could talk to when they began to drive.   I wonder if the word control would be why I didn't hear the word unknown?

The word appeared again during the teen years of our children, during the care of our parents, and the latest time I heard the word unknown is as a middle aged Mom. 

This time it sounds like this, "Am I the same person as I was years ago? Who do I trust in? How do I do this adult child thing? "

As a believer there are somethings known.  Where can we connect over our unknowns?  I know it is at the cross. 


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