More wonderings ... from Acts 18:18-28... Do you every wonder what makes a smart person? Is it college? Is it eating all natural foods? Is it following Dave Ramsey to a tee? Is it making enough money to fulfill every desire? I it giving it all away and living on the street? What is it? What makes a person smart? The question I found in my study from Acts 18:18-28 was.."Who was Apollos and was he a smart man?" This is the answer I found from the Bible (ESV version) He was an elequent man, competent in the scriptures, He had been instruected in the way of the Lord and he spoke accurately of the things of Jesus. As I wonder what makes a smart man I wonder if a part of it could be who is our instructor? Sometimes I find myself instructing me (and that is always interesting and kinda lonely), and sometimes I find the world instructing me (fear oftens finds its way in this way), and sometimes I find myself instructed by what others think (love the people pleasing way) ...Who instructs you? What makes you smart? Check out Apollos today!


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