Still wondering about Apollos
Some on you know I wrote a book called Meet With Me in 2010 I wrote the book with just questions in it from the Bible. Why is it just questions you may ask. In Deuteronomy it says, "If you search for Me with your whole heart you will find me."
When you are searching you ask questions. When you are learning you ask questions. When you learn a new job you ask questions? When you are looking for a place while driving you "sometimes" stop to ask questions?
So that is my reasoning for the book like journal called, "Meet With Me" My hope and prayer for everyone is seek Him, ask questions and above all seek answers from the Living active word called the Bible!
Back to Apollos?
Do you think he was a man who knew it all or was he continueing to learn? What happened when Priscilla and Aquila spoke to Him about God more accurately? Did he listen? As I read it again it hit me again that we need other people in our lives to keep us accountable to God and truth. The lies of the enemy creap in so subtlely. Who do you have in your life that will point you back to truth? Where does truth come from?
I love the last two questions...
Was he excited to tell the good news (gospel)? Check it out! It is in verse 27 and 28...
...In the ESV it says he greatly helped! It also says he powerfully refuted! He greatly helped? What did he do that greatly helped? He powerfully refuted! Wow those are some stong words!
Would you and I have been one of those he greatly helped? He helped those who through grace had believed! Believe what? The Christ was Jesus!!
So many things in life we have to earn but this gift that Apollos had greatly helped with is something that Jesus did for you and me!
What difference is Jesus making in your life? This question is the one I have been playing with in my mind alot lately. I lead a bible study, I am a Mom, I am a wife, I am a friend...I do alot of things but how does Jesus make a difference in what I do everyday?
I will continue to search for truth and Jesus with each of you ...
Good Morning! I was thinking about "love" this morning as I sat with my cup of coffee and my paper and waited on the Lord. Last weeks verse was about being able to love because Christ loved us first. Do you find loving people we like is pretty easy and it is even kind of easy to love those we don't like. We can be the first to love someone but the question I had for myself was... come I can't be the first to forgive someone. Forgiveness is a place I can get stuck! Loving seems easy compared to forgiveness. I think they may go hand in hand. This weeks verse is from Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievenaces you may have aginst one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you It sounds so easy as you "read" it in your Bible! It sounds so easy as you "think" about forgiveness. Can it be easy if we stay in step with the spirit as we walk through our day? ...
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