Hello 2018!

I want to give you a somewhat quick recap of this blog before I begin this entry.  In 2008 and 2009 I felt a large pull to write a devotional to help others open Gods word.  There are a ton of details of how that pull or calling happened.  At the start of writing it I had NO desire to publish it, but as it was finished, that changed, and the opportunity was placed before me to publish it.  So, Meet With Me is a book!

Why did I write it?

I wrote it because of Isaiah 55:11.  Sure I wrote it because I felt the Lord laying it on my heart, to write something that helped myself, and others see Him, His story and where we fit. But when push came to shove, the only reason I had was, that verse.  My feeling of a call or a nudge in my heart could just be a feeling that "could" lead me astray.  But again that verse, it was a promise.

Why did I not stand on the mountain tops with it?

Well I did at first, but then the fear of man kept knocking, my sin got bigger before my eyes and the thought of, "Who do I think I am?" came to mind.  My mind and my action met together and said, "I think I will sit down and fade into the background because someone might examine my life and see my sin."  So, a lot of life happened in 9 years.  My own Bible remained open and a ton of other things good and hard came through the filter of Gods hand into my life.  God remains faithful and calls me to be faithful to Him, and Him alone. He knows me and all of my weaknesses.  He knows my sins and commands me to lay them down at His feet where He crushed the power they had over me. I am needy for His grace and His power over my life each day.  He IS mine and I am His and repentance is a gift He made possible. And with this intro I want to open up Meet with ME reminding you and me the title comes from Exodus where God asked Moses to come to the mountain to meet with Him there.

Page 2
Genesis 2:4-3
My hope for the book was that you read the scriptures and write down what stands out to you.  Yes there are questions on page 2 to help you. It was the seventh verse that stood out to me today.

 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

Where have we sewed fig leaves together in our lives to cover ourselves? What is a fig leaf in todays culture?  

Dear Father,

Thank you for being Perfect and Holy and Righteous and placing the tree of life in the garden. Thank you for providing clothes at the perfect time, immediately.  Man kind should have died when that tree was eaten of, you warned Adam.Thank you for killing that first animal sacrifice to clothe Adam and Eve.  Lord we try all kinds of  good and right things, but all you ask is a broken and contrite heart. Lord will you break our hearts over sin of loving ourselves more than You?  Will you make us willing to lay down our rights, as you displayed in laying down your life?   Thank you for seeing us covered in white all because of your sons life and saying I choose you in all of your brokenness. We cant stay in our sin and fig leaves. We know that, and we need your help which you gave when you sent Jesus down to live, die, suffer and conquer hell and then raised Him up to your right hand. Thank you for placing us with Him there.  To you be all glory and praise and honor for ALL things! Amen




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