That word for the New Year

This is the first year I have officially chosen a word.  Have you chosen a word before?

My word is hope.  Why did I choose hope? 

I think the main reason I chose hope was because over the last 2 years "my hope(s)" were revealed to me.  Actually, as I think back over my life I can recall all the many places my hope was placed.

Where have been some places you have placed your hope?  As I type that question I hear that song, "My hope is build on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness."

I have sung that song for many years. Yes, I grew up in a home where the Bible was read, and church and school complemented what my parents desire was. Which was to train up a child in the way of the Lord. 

So, my hope is found in nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.  God was and will be faithful to His Word. 

Let's look back together.  Where have you placed your hope?  Where are you at today?

As a young child I wonder, was my hope in my Mom and Dad. As I grew, was it in having friends. I recall middle school years as my body image being a place I put some stock/hope. Oh, the high school years, where the search for the man of my dreams began, surely he would fulfill my hopes. It continues as it does for you possibly as well.

How do we enjoy the things of earth and not place all our worth and satisfaction in them?  I know and believe the answer is to rest in love of Jesus knowing Him as the Creator and Giver of all.  It is the daily task of living that out that needs Him, His Word, His Spirit and His Church. Where are you and I in these areas of life?

I chose hope because God in his grace and mercy showed me over and over and over where my hope had been placed.  He was faithful to show it. He will be faithful to complete it.

It felt like pruning at times.  Have you been there?  How has the Lord shown you His faithfulness?  



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