
It has been a long time since I posted and I am not sure if or when I will post again. I am pretty sure to have a good following for a blog you have to be consistent in your posts. Well,to tell you the truth I have this ever present feeling of, "I do not want people following me because I will fail them." This often holds me back from sharing, i just want people to see and follow Jesus!

Do you ever find it hard to distinguish if you are listening to the Lords direction or the devils direction of doubt and confusion?

Listening is harder work than going about my daily to do list. The daily chore list is something I "can" easily do with my natural self sufficient me. But listening....

Who are you listening to today? Who are you tuned into today? What station is on in your head? That verse comes up in my head as I type....whatever is pure whatever is lovely think on those things.

Is there anything more pure than Jesus? I think I might have discovered what I will think of today as part of Holy Week. How about you where will you set your mind today? Maybe a better question would be is, "Who do you need in your life so you are able to set your mind on Jesus?

If only we can remember that we cannot do it alone in my own power!


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