
Showing posts from 2011

New Year New Challenge

Good Morning on December 30!! There has been so much going on in the last month.  This is probably is not news to any of you!  I really can't say it has been busy.  I really can't explain it other than I have been listening.  I had to do some returns this week and the clerk asked if I had any resolutions.  This got me thinking and of course I asked her if she had any.  The both of us thought, exercise and saving were the normal ones we had heard over the years. We discussed a few more thoughts and went on our way.  My one question I asked myself was "Why didn't you tell her what you were thinking about for a resolution?"  Did it not come to mind?  Did you not want to put it out there?  It WAS the first time I really thought about it I guess?! Do you ever do and follow through with a resolution?  Do you ever share your new years resolution so you have accountability? I probably do not make them becau...
Start with the song today! Wow!  I heard this song this week on the radio, well actually I heard the first verse and it grabbed my attention so much that this morning I looked it up on you tube.  The song made me think of being on a pilgrimage. I wonder how the pilgrims came to the feast at Thanksgiving... Each verse spoke of how we will worship with a endless Hallelujah and I thought why can't my worship and my life today be a endless hallelujah?  Sure sin is here, brokenness and pain and the hurts of this world are all part of our pilgrimage but God is so much bigger than this world.  I wonder if I focus more on God and less on this world if I could sing this song with a endless hallelujah in my heart today... Maybe this song will fall flat with you.  Maybe something else will grab you today or this week.  Maybe you sing a song of hurt right now.  Maybe you are feeling so low you can't even sing ...

How do I follow?

    Psalm 27:13-14   I remain confident of this:    I will see the goodness of the LORD    in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD;    be strong and take heart    and wait for the LORD. How do we wait?  How do we follow?  How do we make decisions by following the word?  What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Christ?  These are the questions I often ask and I am hearing many others share the same questions.  What does it mean to wait on the Lord when you have to make a decision?  Is an open door always the Lords direction?  I am reading a book right now (one amoung many)  I am finding out how ADD I am when it comes to books.  There are so many good ones and I want to read them all NOW.  It is probably more about my wanting to rush thru life rather than my ADD!  Anyway...The book is by Chip Ingram, and the title is, Sex 1...

Holy Holy Holy

I am still going through the song books and today I turned the page to, Holy Holy Holy.  I put 2 links on here to bring you to the song on you tube.  One for those who love hymns slow and reverent, and one for those who love to rock a bit to the music.  I wonder if we sometimes get hung up on the type of music and miss the words of the song.  If it isn't my style do I still listen to it?  "Just saying",  this is the phrase that has been quite popular in our house when we put a thought out there.  So with that said here are the links !  - Quiet and reverent  - WoW! After much searching on You Tube I discovered some songs are ONLY made to be quiet and reverent and holy but that second video shows some heart worship. It was inspiring to watch. Holy Holy Holy, early in the morning my song shall rise to thee!  What is my song today?...

One more song

Do you ever get really confused?  Do you ever feel you just can't focus?  Do you ever wish God gave directions verbally like he did in the old testament?  He still speaks today but it seems we need to be A LOT more quiet to hear it.  I am taking a class that requires me to listen to lectures via my computer.  The professors name was David Powlison and he talked about the fruit of the spirit today and it reminded me of a couple things.  One being a song... Sure is a catchy tune! One of the comments of the professor was, "If you are a Christian you will begin to see the fruit of the spirit being more evident in your life"  The older you get as a Christian the more evident the fruit will be.He also said that you will recognize people who are Christians by those fruits of the spirit.   Maybe this thought is old to you or maybe it is new to you, but th...

Music and Anniversaries and more

Good Morning Friday!  I have a friend that used to spend the first hour of everyday with a quiet time in the Bible.  She didn't have any children and was married for quite some time.  She was/is an inspiration to me.  She now has 2 children and 1 on the way and we have talked lately of her desire for that same quiet time/fellowship in her Bible each morning.  She is up a lot at night with her 1 year old and busy chasing after her 3 year old all day AND she is due in 4 weeks for number 3.  She mentioned the fact that she has been changing her quiet time most days to music.  I spent some time yesterday looking at some lyrics from some music from my song books. I have been thinking of songs and lyrics since I have talked with her .We chatted about what "a quiet time" looked like. How many ways can we "be" with our Father?  What does quiet time look like for you?  What does your private worship look like?...

Where does wisdom come from?

What is the one thing you ask your Father in heaven most everyday?  The answer is different for every person that reads this blog, but if you stop and think about your answer to the question, it might reveal a little of where your heart is. The other question is, "Am I asking him anything?"  My prayer life is a place I find the most "pride" in my life.  I heard a member of my family once say, "The breath I take isn't even mine, every stinking thing I am or I have isn't mine."  It was one of those comments that stuck!  It helped me remember where wisdom comes from! What things do we ask for and do we even ask the Lord for anything?  I have to say as I look back over my journaling over the years I don't like what I see.  A TON of my journaling isn't asking, it is telling (actually complaining)! .  Do I really want to be remembered complaining?  What do your prayers look or sound like...

What causes me to worship?

So today the question that is stuck in my mind is, "What causes me to worship?"  We can put it another way also, "Why do I serve/love?"   Maybe we can even word it "Who do I worship?"  Maybe even another way to ask the question is, "What motivates me to serve/love God?"  My mind often drifts, ADD maybe, Holy Spirit maybe? I don't know the reason for it.  I sing something, I hear something, the mind turns on and the questions start coming.   I heard a speaker ask the question, "What causes me to worship?"    I found myself asking another question.... ...Who do I worship?  This question shows up in my actions most everyday.  We are doing a study from a book called, "Feminine Appeal" and this last weeks discussion brought up a lot of discussionn.  We talked about lust, purity and even sex (in church).  I get home from those studies and once again my mind starts to run and ...

Jesus What a friend for sinners

Hallelujah what a savior, Hallelujah what a friend, saving, helping, keeping, loving.  He is with me to the end!  Let me hide myself in HIM! Jesus lover of my soul!  What a strength in weakness! Jesus what a help in sorrow,even when my heart is breaking he my comfort helps my soul! Jesus what a guide and keeper! He has granted me forgiveness!   I am his and he is mine!  AMEN!!  The Gaithers sing it the best...opinion only...:) Today I want to share this song that was placed on my lap.  I am taking a class and this is one of the songs they spoke about so I u tubed it and pulled out some of the lyrics that struck my heart.  Take a minute and listen to it yourself..... ....I think the thing that struck me most was the name Jesus.  Jesus is the answer! Jesus saves!  Jesus loves!  Jesus keeps! Jesus forgives! Then the phrase He is mine and I am His!  Powerful! Th...

Still speechless

Good Morning on a Monday!! I have opened my blog a few times in the last 2 weeks but nothing came to my mind that I wanted/needed to is really the same thing.  I am reading the Bible and trying to memorize.. know this is something that is a challenge!  I have had the same verse on my bathroom counter for months.  I read it most everytime I brush my teeth and do you think I can recall it when I am not standing in front of it.  I must have to brush my teeth more!  Makes me thankful God put His word in print so I am able to go back to it over and over to receive encouragement and discipline and love from the one who knows our every part! Sometimes I wonder...I wonder a lot by the way... What it means to die to myself...or what it means to submit to Christ...  I know what it means in my head but when it comes to life day to day, choices that are put before me each step of the way...What does it mean to die to mysel...

No good thing does He withhold?

This is really the last post on Psalm 84, still verse 11 and I can't say it enough that if life has you unable to get to that Bible Study or be a part of a small group some where... spend some time in the Psalms.  One verse can say so much for so long.  I know I have to remember myself, His word will not come back empty!! So, still contemplating the "good" that God promies in our life?  Did you happen to notice the comment on the weekend post out of Genesis.  I absolutely loved it!  He is our shield and reward!  We can look for "things" as good, but I couldn't help but to think, He promises HIMSELF and that IS good!  Thanks Shelly for pointing us up!! I was reading a book by Chip Ingram called, "God as He longs for you to see Him".  I have said it before but this IS one that will go down in the, got to have it pile!  On page 128 he quotes a professor saying, "The wisdom of God tells us that God will bring about the best pos...

Really Psalm 84 again

Why? The question a Mom gets so tired of hearing from a 3 year old.  A question a teenager hates to hear from a parent.  Why is why such an important question?  One word that begs us to "think".  I had a friend this week ask me the "why" question.  It caused me to think and ask God "why".  Why am I afraid?  Why won't a take a step in that direction?  Often times the question "why" causes us to think about our thoughts, our actions, our motives and it allows God to remind us of who He is.  Yes today is the last day I will comment on Psalm 84.  It is verse 11 that has stuck in my head and as been somewhat of an answer for my question of "why" lately.  To be honest my quiet time for MANY weeks has been Psalm 84 and really it has been just this one verse. "No good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless!" Well, the very first time I read it, the word "blameless" ju...

Where have we been and where are we headed?

Good Morning! Does the start of school make you say good bye to summer?  Have you celebrated the end of  the summer?  Are you celebrating the beginning of school?  I had heard somewhere it is important to celebrate both the beginning and the end of things. So today we look back and we look forward!  So glad God knows where we have been and where we are going!   Where have you been both physically and spiritually this summer?  This was the question a friend was going to ask a group of believers.  My thoughts went in many different directions as we discussed the question.  We prayed for honesty for each woman present.  We prayed that God would bring down walls.  Personally speaking, If I was asked that question in a group, I might have answered not quite so honestly.   I would "say" I have been in the word because really I wanted to be there. The other reason...

Psalm 84 continued again

I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tent of the wicked...verse 10b I have to be honest with you when I first read this verse I thought to myself, "That depends what the wicked are doing."  Sometimes the easy path looks so good to me.  I started to classify certain actions as differing degrees of wickedness I found myself  getting caught up in "judging" which sin is ok and which one is not. As I dug in a bit, searched my own thoughts and heart, and heard the gospel message preached yesterday, it became very clear that the tents of the wicked are those who don't see themselves as needing a Savior.  If I am left to myself I will choose the tents of the wicked everytime.  Sinful nature? Yep!  The truth is when I read the verse again and again it becomes very clear I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tent of I am "ok"  I am really not that bad...

Psalm 84 again?

Good Morning! This is the last week of summer for my kids and I always have a hard time thinking back over the summer and looking ahead to the school schedule. Did we do the things we wanted?  Change is not my favorite thing!  I just read somewhere this week that we are to celebrate the end of things and also to celebrate the new beginnings.  We always celebrate the end of the school year but we don't celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of school very well... I read verse 5 of Psalm 84 I thought of my own strength, I thought of a pilgrimage and I also thought about where my heart is set. I read verse 6 of Psalm 84 I thought I needed a pastor and a concordance. I am sure there is a great meaning to this verse but I have no clue other than I can relate seasons to it because they talk of spring and autumn. Maybe I can tie in spring being a beginning and autumn being the end of something? I read verse 7 I thought of the ne...

Psalm 84 continued

As I was thinking of verse 1 of Psalm 84 yesterday I thought of some people in my life and also my own life  that are and have gone through some really hard times.  The blog made it sound so easy just to look up and say "How lovely is your dwelling place Lord Almighty!"  We fight against our own fleshy desires and our enemy prowls around looking to get our focus down on the problems... he  often times goes to great lengths to keep our eyes and lips from saying, "How lovely is your dwelling place!" I have to be honest as I read verse two, which says "My soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord, my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."  I actually thought to myself and confessed to the Lord that often times my heart cries out to EASY times and for "my"courts and for "me"  and the my living god of myself.  Sure there are times when I look so forward to when I get to see Jesus face to...

Psalm 84

Did I ever tell you I LOVE the Psalms?! This is one book of the Bible that you can read just one verse and it means so much just by itself!  So many of us want a quiet time and then "busy" hits and we can't get enough "time".  It is quite an encouragement when you open to the book of Psalms and you instantly hear about who God is and what He has done and is doing in just one verse!  A few verses popped out to me as I read Psalm 84 for the last few days and I would like to share a few of them with you. What if we read verse 1 only...How lovely is your dwelling place, LORD Almighty!  What is Gods dwelling place?  Is it church?  Is it my home?  Is it the world/creation?  Is it me?  Is His dwelling place lovely?  Is His church lovely?  Is my home lovely?  Is His creation lovely?  Am I lovely?  I know God is lovely, so the question to myself is if He is dwelling in me or m...

And God said, "Let there be land."

Psalm 63:2-5 Good Morning! Another picture of Alaska and another thought about what God impressed on me while I was away. This picture was taken from one of Kingdom Airs planes.  They train men to be missionary bush pilots and we were able to go up with some of the men he trained. The pictures really don't do it justice, it being the beauty of Alaska!  This was ONE of many pictures I took of scenery and often times I would catch myself with my mouth hanging open over the unbelievable creation/scenery.  I wonder as we described life and  replaced the word scenery with creation  if we would tend to think of God and all what he created more often?  Just a thought.  Well before I left I was asked to give suggestions for some devotions while we were in Alaska.  My first place I went was Psalms because it often talks of mountains, creation and the grandeur of God and His work.  I ...

Nadine from Alaska

Good Morning! It has been more than a week since I last blogged, I was gone to Alaska for a bit.  Our church goes on a mission trip every year to Victory Bible Camp in Alaska and this year my daughter and I got to go along.  What a trip! I hope to share some pictures and some lessons that I learned while I was there in the next few weeks, but today I want to share about the person I met while I was there. Her name was Nadine! I left for Alaska with no expectations.  I read Psalm 5:3 before I left, it advised me to lay my expectations before the Lord.  The only problem I had was that I didn't have any expectations.  I really kind of left with the question, "Why am I going Lord?  Why did you allow me to go on this trip?"  Every day we worked and we did fun things I kept looking and waiting to see what it was that God wanted to show me or use me for in Alaska. Well, Wednesday night we got to me...

Sewing, ironing and Psalm 139:5?

Do you ever feel like you goofed up beyond fixing it?  Maybe you said that last word that you shouldn't have said.  Maybe you ate the dessert that you told yourself was not part of the food plan this week.  Maybe you realized your parental actions were not quiet right.  Maybe you just think you did "something" or said "something" that is just one step beyond going back. I have been there and so have many others.  Many today are feeling lost, doubtful, fearful and maybe even without hope to see beyond the mistakes they have made. These were some thoughts that were  meandering through my mind as I ironed some clothes early this morning, (procrastination is one word that fits me when it comes to ironing my husbands shirts). When I can't sleep, or when God wakes me up I ask who needs prayers and then when sleep still escapes me or God keeps me awake...I get up and do the stuff I can quietly.  ...


Good Morning!!                              I am learning how to down load pictures on to a blog so bear with me.  I don't know how may of you watch Mrs. Fords funeral last week but I found myself "trying" to catch it whenever I could.  Sometimes people wonder why all the pomp and circumstance for her, she wasn't the President.  She was the presidents helpmate!  What an important role! I am learning a lot this summer about the role of wives throught a few books...Feminine Appeal and Sacred Influence! I couldn't help but notice what she brought out during her life. Depression was brought out into the light, substance abuse was brought out into the light and in reading some highlights in the press she also had breast cancer that caused her to identify with many women around the country....


So.... ...I have been reading a book called Feminine Appeal.  It is about 7 virtues of a godly wife and mother.  I have combined that book with Capture His Heart,(one that I will forever give as a gift for wedding couples, combined with Capture Her Heart.)  I also have been introduced to a book called Sacred Influence by Gary Thomas.  The first book, Feminine Appeal is a book that our church will be doing as a book study this fall.  It is our churches desire to bring the roles of wives and mothers under the direction of the Bible.  As I read this it is amazing how far off "we" have gotten from Biblical submission.  On one side we have the cave man with club in hand submission, and the other hand we find the I am woman hear me roar, submit to him, what? It kind of leaves you with "What is submission REALLY look like?" Well, yesterday I have a mature lady come up to me ...

What now...

I woke up every day wondering what the next blog verse was supposed to be.  I sat for my quiet time and wondered if the verse was the one I was reading but nothing was coming close to the Matthew 25:4 verse we talked of last week.  "Whatever you do for the least of these you do for me."   The conversations I had with people and the places I went showed that verse over and over again.  The plumber I heard about does HIS job with the gospel in mind.  The Mom of twin I work for said,"I really didn't think of my job being THAT important."  Once again I came across many people who just don't "feel" like they "do" enough.  The quiet time isn't long enough, I don't serve enough, I don't do much for anyone... I wonder if it is more about our attitude in doing and maybe it is more about our BEING than our doing. I heard a great quote today... "Enjoy God's presence more than His presents!" Enjoy Him wheth...

The little things

Just read a post from a new friend from Circle of Friends Ministry.  It was about thinning out.  If I knew how to put a link on this blog I would, but I don't.  It reminded me one more time of to do things WELL!  It was a great story!!    Since Monday morning, (which is only two days ago) I have had Matthew 25:40 on my heart.  It found me through a book called Capture His Heart.  The verse says, "I tell you the truth what you do for the least of these you do for me."  It isn't in the big things that I try to do, or that my heart desires to do.  It is what I do for those God has ALREADY placed in my life that matter.  The things that seem little are so BIG!  I think of a Mom of twin 1 year olds and a 3 year old too.  I clean for them and I get to  watch what she does for the least of these and it makes my heart glad when I leave that home.  Her tasks are little...


Good Morning! I was thinking about "love" this morning as I sat with my cup of coffee and my paper and waited on the Lord. Last weeks verse was about being able to love because Christ loved us first.  Do you find loving people we like is pretty easy and it is even kind of easy to love those we don't like.  We can be the first to love someone but the question I had for myself was... come I can't be the first to forgive someone.   Forgiveness is a place I can get stuck! Loving seems easy compared to forgiveness.  I think they may go hand in hand. This weeks verse is from Colossians 3:13  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievenaces you may have aginst one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you It sounds so easy as you "read" it in your Bible!  It sounds so easy as you "think" about forgiveness.  Can it be easy if we stay in step with the spirit as we walk through our day? ...

Week 8 I John 4:19

I John 4:19 – We love because he first loved us. This verse was sent to me this weekend and once again my mind resonated on it, and brought me back to the verses we are learning for the last 7 weeks. Week 1 – God created all things and they were good! Week 2 – We learned of how Satan created doubt about Gods perfect plan Week 3 we learned how sin continues to crouch at our door and the need to master it Week 4 – The club we ALL belong to – Sinned and fallen short Week 5 – Gods grace reached down and we by faith are saved Week 6 – We have a need for repentance so God can refresh us Week 7 – We are to be the aroma of Christ.   To some it may be a sweet aroma and others the smell of death Week 8 – None of this can happen without the love of Christ.   We can not love people on our own.   The only way we can love is because we were first loved by Jesus.   I asked one of my children, “Why did God choose you to love?”   The reply was, “Because I am His child...

Random thoughts

Hold on this could be a bit all over the place! So I am reading Acts 3: 11-26 this morning and the "YOUS" are jumping off the page at me.   Then I get to our memory verse from last week Acts 3:19 where it calls us to repentance so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord THEN my mind wanders to our Sunday morning message on Jonah where he calls out to God from the belly of the whale THEN I get back on track with the reading and come to verse 26  of Acts 3.  It is here where my mind goes back to the fact that God sent His servant to me and to you to bless us by turning each of us from our wicked ways.  I then go back and review the Jonah message and think of Gods pursuing Grace and my response and you know what... still all comes back to GOD doing a work in me and you.  HE draws us, HE enables us...He pursues  How do we respond? By being the aroma of Christ? (II Cor 2:14) By stepping out in faith? By simply sittin...
Good Morning! It is a beautiful morning in West Michigan!  I got out for a walk early this morning and discovered alot of different smells in the country.  I am a HUGE smeller and as I walked I found myself finding the scent of flowers, wet fresh cut grass, damp dirt, laundry and simply just fresh morning air.  I love morning!!  Here are a few of the things that God brings to mind as I take in the quiet morning.  As I smell the fresh air I remember God's mercies are new every morning.  As I smell the laundry of the neighbor I remember Jesus washed me white as snow.  As I smell the fresh cut grass I remember God prunes and trims the stuff in my life that doesn't reflect His glory.  The one thing that always comes up for me with any fragrance whether it is a good smell or a "country" smell, is a verse that tells me I am a fragrance of Christ to those I meet each day!     ...

Mid week

I left Mondays post  asking myself this question, "Is it good to ask questions without giving the answers?"  I like to give questions rather than answers because I personally do not have all the answers.   The one thing you and I need to remember is... ...The Bible is where we find the answers to every question in our hearts today. I had to find the verse to answer the question, "How do we get faith?  Ephesians 2:8!!  It is a gift and we can ask for it!!  The questions that I left you and I with on Monday, all need answers.  Some of us know the answers in our head, some of us know the answers in our heart and still some of us are not sure what the answers are but we know where to find it.  Where do we go for our answers?  Phone a friend? These verses that we are memorizing together have been quite a challenge.  Maybe they would be easier if they were attached to one of those songs ...

What is next?

This is our 6th memory verse already! Week 1 we talked of the beginning where God created everything and said it was very good.  We then took on Genesis 3:1 Where Satan asked Eve if God really said they couldn't eat from "any" tree from the garden. Week 3 brought us to Genesis 4:7 talking of sin crouching at our doors and it desires to have us but we need to master it.  This is the week we spoke of our need for a Savior because we can't master anything on our own.  Week 4 we traveled over to Romans 3:23 and learned we all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.  There is a club we ALL belong to! Week 5 We memorized Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. I sometimes get caught up on one thought when I write, and today I got stuck on Romans 3:23 and the fact that we all want to belong.  Whether we are in school wanting to belong or on the bleachers watching s...


A Holiday happened this past Monday.  You probably are all realized that.  Everyday this week it has been hard to figure out what day it is.  Most everyday this week I also have had thoughts of, "I should have posted the memory verse on Monday for the week."  A holiday comes, a vacation happens or something else comes up and what is the first thing to go?  This is the thought that came across my mind quite often in the past week.  It wasn't a woe is me I am a bad person, it was more of a realization of my human nature and just how sinful I am left to myself.  "I" come first most every time.  Why are the most important things the first thing to be put aside?   Even look at time with your husband or time with your children.  What things keep us from the important things of life?  God, His Word and His people are the only thing that will last for eternity.  Are we spending time...

It is a new week and another Monday :)

Last week was a short verse with a ton of meaning.   We ALL need a Savior!   This week’s verse is Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. So who is saved? How are they saved? Does he look at our abilities and save us because we have something he can use to bring himself glory? What things do we have faith in? What is something that you have faith in that never fails? Seriously think and look at the fact that the only thing that saves you and me from eternal life in Hell is the grace of Jesus, and then ask yourself, “How do I respond to this grace in my every day life?” Day 2 Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith. Romans 5:1-2  Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. If you are a child of God how are you ju...

The week gone by

Romans 3:23 - How was it?  Where did God bring you this week in showing you Romans 3:23?  What did he show you this week?   Did you fall short at all this week?  Did you succeed at all this week? As I looked at these last two questions in light of Romans 3:23 I thought to myself, "Can God glory in my failures and my successes?"  What do you think? I looked back this morning at the verses we traveled to this week and remembered my prayer is for a contrite heart, for a heart of rest and repentance, to remember he holds me by His righteous right hand and says do not be afraid, and the last one...He calls me precious and says I love you!   Once again as I typed the word "precious"  I traveled back to October of 2009 and recalled hearing these words from someone very special who is now in heaven where I will see Him again, and then to think my HEAVENLY Father says them to me everyday...That is a reason to smile EVERYDA...

Romans 3:23

Good Morning!  We did an overview on Saturday and today we know three things God created the world and said it is very good We know Satan is crafty and made sin look good and still does today We understand that our sinful nature is from Adam and sin continues to crouch at our door BUT we have one who mastered it on the cross. This weeks memory verse is Romans 3:23  "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" It is a short one but with so much meaning that we need to grasp before we can move on to a deeper relationship with Christ.  I think this verse is one I skipped for several years.  I wrote a testimony called "Good Enough" that really does show that this verse was not for me.  I am pretty sure my version of this verse was "You all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  What about you?  Have you come to an understanding of how far you have fallen short?  We do not like to go here to quick BUT...If we never look ...

3 weeks

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God saw that all that He had made and said it was very good Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made, he said,  "Did God really say you must not eat  from any the tree in the garden?" If you do what is right will you not be accepted. But if you do not do what is right sin is crouching at your door and it desires to have you but you must master it.  There they are 3 weeks of memory verses.  I can honestly say I have been replaying (trying to) them in my head as I go throughout my days.  I can also honestly say I don't have them to memory yet.  I can also honestly say it does help to try to keep repeated them and maybe I am not getting them 100% right but I can get the meaning of them as I think of them.  How about you?  Has it helped having questions throughout the week to cement the meaning and get them in your heart? This is wha...

Day 3 Gen 4:7

If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door;  it desires to have you, but you must master it. What do you think sin desires to have you means? This morning I woke up and "felt" crabby.  I was recalling some things that happened yesterday and then I began to replay them in my head and then I began this conversation with myself beginning to add fuel to my fire,and then, and then,...I became angry and bothered. It wasn't until I sat down with this verse and read the question did I realize the sin of anger was desiring to have me. If I can just simply realize that when I give into my sinful nature and let it run wild the enemy wins.  Check out Proverbs 1:10-11 today, it encourages us to not let sinners entice you and not to give into them.  Sometimes our attitudes want to entice us sometimes it is others that want to entice us into sin but...we don't have ...

Genesis 4:7 Day 2

Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door;  it desires to have you, but you must master it. This is a hard memory verse or I should say unpopular, and that makes it hard to post and think about for me.  I would rather start right off with all the promises of God and the love of God but the reality is the good news of the saving work of Jesus wouldn't be so good if we didn't begin with the bad news of  our sin... ...I just heard yesterday that salvation is the "beginning" of the good news. God begins a work in us and HE (not us) becomes the ruler of our hearts The question for the day is, "What does sin do in our lives?" "What does repentance do in our lives?"Isaiah 59:2,20    Once again, many of you will have other verses that come into mind as you read this blog.  Some of you will wonder where or what that verse means o...

Genesis 4:7

Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it. This verse on its own sound like WE must simply say no to sin and master it and go about our day.  It reminds me why it is soooo important to look at the whole Bible.  We know that Adam and Eve chose the apple and by that action we too are born with a sinful nature.  We also will travel in the Bible to the work of Jesus on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  But this verse today reminds us that sin is something we will continue to struggle with until Jesus comes again or God takes us home. I have to say that if I would have read this verse 20 years ago I would have heaped a boat load of guilt on myself because "I" do not all the time choose right, and "I" do not master it enough according to my standards...