
A Holiday happened this past Monday.  You probably are all realized that.  Everyday this week it has been hard to figure out what day it is.  Most everyday this week I also have had thoughts of, "I should have posted the memory verse on Monday for the week." 

A holiday comes, a vacation happens or something else comes up and what is the first thing to go?  This is the thought that came across my mind quite often in the past week.  It wasn't a woe is me I am a bad person, it was more of a realization of my human nature and just how sinful I am left to myself.  "I" come first most every time. 

Why are the most important things the first thing to be put aside?   Even look at time with your husband or time with your children.  What things keep us from the important things of life?  God, His Word and His people are the only thing that will last for eternity.  Are we spending time in things that will last?

I am so glad God never puts us aside!

Review the verses we have learned this weekend and I will see you on Monday with another verse for the week!  


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